Greendale Brush & Quill
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Ed Block Author

Hello, and welcome to my web site. My name is Ed Block. My family and I have lived in Greendale, Wisconsin for over thirty years. I am a published poet and an accomplished watercolorist. For the last ten years I have studied watercolor with a group of artists on Milwaukee’s southwest side. As a member of the Wisconsin Regional Artists Association, I have exhibited in the annual WRAP competitions and had a watercolor painting of Greendale’s Trimborn House exhibited at the annual WAAA convention in Madison. I take inspiration from natural scenes around Greendale and the state of Wisconsin, as well as Minnesota, and the Pacific Northwest.

As poet I have published in a number of national magazines, and my collection of religious poems, Anno Domini, has received endorsements from a variety of readers. I am currently integrating some of my poetry and art in a series of hybrid poetry and watercolor cards. Browse my web site for samples of all this work.

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Here's the latest from Greendale Brush & Quill

Landward with Catherine Young

Landward with Catherine Young

Poet Catherine Young reads some of my poems from Shell Dreams on her podcast.

Check out the link here: Catherine Young reads selections from Shell Dreams

Also, check out her podcast here: Landward with Catherine Young from WDRT 92.9fm

Banners Of Longing
Banners Of Longing

Join me in celebrating the release of my new book of poems, Banners of Longing.

Whether you are a believer, an unbeliever, or just someone “on a quest,” I promise that you will find something in this new collection to call forth your enthusiastic response.

Order your signed copy today!

Available for $12 plus shipping from

If you tell me for whom I should write a special message, I shall be happy to oblige.

Midwestern Lighthouses
Midwestern Lighthouse 5-pack

Here's an exciting new item -- my five-pack of Midwestern lighthouses, prints of original watercolors. Check them out!

Order today from

See more of my artwork (available for sale) at the bottom of this page.

Moments Strange
Moments Strange

Moments Strange is an expansive collection of poems about nature, seasons, and places, both across and beyond the North American continent. It also contains autobiographical poems, a number of poems focused on the Midwest, and, of course, what can only be called a group of poems about “moments strange.”

Order your signed copy today!

Available for $19 plus shipping from

If you tell me for whom I should write a special message, I shall be happy to oblige.

Shell Dreams
Shell Dreams

Announcing the publication of my third poetry collection, Shell Dreams, forty poems about Florida and beautiful Sanibel Island.

Order your signed copy today!

Available for $12 plus shipping from

Award Nominations

Water’s Edge Press has nominated my poem “A Ship’s Complaint” for a Pushcart Prize!

Lamps of the Tradition
Lamps of the Tradition

Order your copy of Lamps of the Tradition

Available for $10 plus shipping from

Lamps of the Tradition is a collection of short, easy to read reflections on twenty aspects of Catholic culture and practice. Beginning with lessons from the garden and some thoughts on recycling, Lamps will take the reader on a lively, personal journey through Catholicism with a look at things like liturgical music, prayer networks, and reading the psalms, as well as popular feasts like Ash Wednesday and lesser-known prayers like the "Te Deum" and "Anima Christi." All too soon the reader will find Lamps concluding with a humorous reflection on the saints and two throughful meditations on the Blessed Virgin.



Joe Biden with Lamps of the Tradition
At a meeting in Manitowoc, WI, where they compared their similar Catholic backgrounds, my publisher passed a copy of my Lamps of the Tradition to President Joe Biden. Hope he likes it!
Voice of the Heartland
Boswell Book Release Reading

Order your copy of Jon Hassler - Voice of the Heartland

Available for $23 plus shipping from

Itasca Books
Attn: Customer Service
5120 Cedar Lake Road
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416

Phone: (952) 345-4488 (Metro) / 1 (800) 901-3480 x118
Fax: 952-920-0541
Our hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Standard Time

Here's a link to the interview I did with Tammy Bobrowsky, of Minnesota Public Radio affiliate, KAXE, talking about my new book, Jon Hassler -- Voice of the Heartland. You can order the book from me by e-mailing me at
Seasons of Change
Seasons Of Change Cover

Order your copy of Seasons of Change

Available for $15 plus shipping from Finishing Line Press

It is uncanny to read the poem below from my new collection, Seasons of Change, after Hurricane Irma. Now that the pre-publication order period is over, you can buy directly from me. For $18 I shall send you an autographed copy of Seasons of Change. Email me at for more information.

Milwaukee Poet Ed Block Pens 'Seasons of Change' | WUWM
March 8th, 2018 - It is decidedly secular in tone and subject, but like its predecessor it uses the passage of time as a way to explore the world. Block will read from his new collection Thursday night at Woodland Pattern Book Center, but first, he stopped by Lake Effect to talk with Bonnie North and read a selection of poems.

Table of Contents for Seasons of Change
A Spring Migration a sample poem from Seasons of Change
Click here for more information
Anno Domini
Anno Domini Cover

Order your copy of Anno Domini

Available for $10 plus shipping from

A collection of—often brief—poetic reflections, loosely based on the liturgical year, but interspersed with poems on selected Gospel passages, Anno Domini will quickly engage even the beginning reader of religious poetry. It will also appeal to seminarians and college students interested in religious poetry. Anno Domini provides a selective take on some key religious themes that will, by turns, move, console, and inspire.

Links for my collection of religious poems, Anno Domini:
* Available for purchase *
Email for more information
Art/Greeting Cards
* Available for purchase *
Email for more information
Commissioned Watercolors
Interested in a commissioned painting of your home? Reach out to me for information.
Contact Me
* All items listed on this site are available for purchase *
Email for more information
© Greendale Brush & Quill 2025